Guide to Keep Raven ZZ Plant Happy + Styling Tips

For those who desire to bring a touch of greenery into their lives, but struggle to keep their plants alive, the Raven ZZ Plant is a game-changer. This stunning, dark-leaved beauty is the perfect solution for busy plant parents without the hassle of constant maintenance. This post will delve into the world of the Raven … Read more

How to Grow Hoya Australis (Varieties + Propagation)

Hoya australis is an evergreen vining houseplant with vintage indoor excellence. It has low maintenance but rewarding growing outcomes even with some neglect in looking after it. Knowing Hoya Australis Native to Eastern Asia and Australia, these subspecies remain more popular in Australia. They are found growing naturally along the Queensland coast to Cape York. … Read more

Guide to Hoya Carnosa Care + Variety Pictures

There are about 600 to 900 known species of hoya carnosa. These include cultivars and hybrids. Among the hoyas, carnosa is the most common species. Carnosa (cultivars or hybrids) are stunning vine houseplants. They are fast growers. Our care details cover growing our top 5 carnosa cultivars: Hoyas are native to Southern India. In the wild, they … Read more

How Often to Water Pothos (Season, Routine + Amount)

How much water does your pothos houseplant need and how often should you make it drink? The following things will necessitate watering your pothos more often: How often to water your Pothos (Cooler Months + Wintertime) During the cooler months, a majority of your houseplants will not grow aggresively. Some stop growing or just enter … Read more

Monstera Adansonii Variegata – Growing Needs + Pictures

Monstera adansonii Variegata are unique plants. They are rare to find but caring for them isn’t demanding. If you are a beginner, you need to purchase either a mature plant or a grown stem cutting. You can purchase from online sellers or visit a reputable plant sale outlet near you. Like monstera deliciosa, adansonii are … Read more

Monstera Root Rot: How to Tell, Treat, Prevent & Save (Pictures)

Root rot is a condition that can kill your monstera plants in a week or so. Clear signs show up later. That is when the plant is really stressed. It can’t cope sitting in a flooded, suffocated rooting medium anymore. Nevertheless, you can trace the signs and save your houseplant from dying of root rot. … Read more

Pothos Leaves Curling: Why, What to do + Revival Steps

What does it mean when pothos leaves curl? Finding your houseplant leaves curled up, down, or rolled isn’t surprising. Thankfully so, it happens sometimes. Finding out why this happens can shed light on corrective measures to revive and restore healthy and flush growth. Here is why leaf curl occurs on pothos plants: 1) You Underwater … Read more

Bird of Paradise Leaves Curling: Yellow + Brown

Without up-to-date care, your houseplant will start facing problems. Leaves may curl inwardly, down or get a bit of twisted growth. Sometimes leaf curl will also occur after watering or repotting. As experienced by some gardeners, they could turn yellow or brown even when it is not dry. Consequently, they won’t bloom. Birds of paradise … Read more

How to Grow Anthurium Crystallinum Houseplant (With Pictures)

Plants from the Anthurium genus are known to be long-lasting and bold. They can still thrive in cold temperatures, though nothing beats their growing momentum than keeping them in warm conditions. This Crystallinum is surprisingly hardy. Are Anthurium Crystallinum plants easy to care for? With any indoor plant with growth specificities, it may seem difficult … Read more

Scindapsus Pictus Exotica: Indoor Growth & Care

An evergreen Araceae family member, scindapsus pictus is an easy-to-care-for plant. This one is neither a pothos nor a philodendron. Even with minimal care, the dark heart-shaped leaves of this hoya make it one of the delightful houseplants. The silver-splashed leaves do not fade easily. They bring or restore a calm indoor touch. What is … Read more