Donkey Ear Succulent: Care, Growing & Propagation Guide

Donkey ear plants are low-maintenance outdoor or indoor biennial succulents. They are relatively fast-growing plants with a growth cycle of 2 years. You can either grow them outdoors or indoors. These ornamental plants can be grown for their flowers, and health benefits. Donkey Ears Description Small plant varieties of this succulent can grow between 12 … Read more

Pine Tree Garden: Are they Good or Bad?

Growing pine trees is practical but requires patience. To grow them successfully in your garden you need to choose a species adapted to the area you live in. Find useful information on where pine trees naturally grow and how they are beneficial if you can have them in your garden. What Are Pine Trees? A … Read more

Calathea Medallion Care & Maintenance Guide (Goeppertia veitchiana)

Calathea medallion is one of the most popular indoor low light plants. Read our comprehensive care guide for this plant during the different seasons of growth. Plant Description + Benefits Growing calathea medallion indoors is beneficial and goes without saying. Apart from brightening and livening up your gloomy indoor space, they help in purifying the … Read more

Trees With Red Flowers for Brilliant Garden: Small, Short or Tall

Colourful flowering trees can be an exceptional or excellent addition to visible features (landscape) in our gardens. Size (small, dwarf or large; shortness or tallness) of the tree can say a lot whether it is a suitable choice to make your garden stand out. While some tree families are all-season bloomers, a few bear their … Read more

Why is My Prayer Plant Leaves Curling? Causes & How to Fix

Prayer plants are unique in their ways. They naturally fold leaves inwards at night and unfold them just after dusk. However, sometimes the leaves will refuse to open or seem to remain praying unusually the whole day. Your prayer plants are communicating they may have issues needed to fix. If you don’t act promptly to … Read more

Plants With Red Stems & Green Leaves: Houseplants or Garden Plants

A majority of garden plants have green stems and leaves of varying shades or hues. Fewer plant families have stems and leaves of different colors on the same plant. For example, certain plants may have red, reddish, dark-red or tinge-red stems but green leaves. Red stemmed plants is commonly attributed to genetics. Pink, red or … Read more

How to Treat Leaf Miners on Citrus Trees, Prevent + Signs

Citrus leafminer is a destructive pest during its larvae stage. It majorly causes foliage damage. As a result, stunting growth, exposing citrus to secondary plant diseases and low-quality fruit production can occur. Get information on how to identify them (pictures), and possible means by which you can treat, control and manage citrus leafminers. The pest … Read more

Why are My Tomato Leaves Turning Yellow?

There are many reasons why your healthy tomato plant leaves may turn yellow. This plant problem can be caused by a plant fungus, nutrient deficiency, transplant shock, or improper care for your tomatoes. Learn more about what it means, how to identify the problem together with pictures. Some causes have cures while those without might … Read more

Growing Asparagus from Crowns & Seeds: Stages with Pictures

Emerging asparagus spears

You can grow Asparagus either from its Seeds or Crowns. Whichever you go for, there are stages you need to follow in order to get the best results. After planting the asparagus plant, you need to take good care of them. The main caring practices include weed removal, watering, fertilizer application, and disease and pest … Read more