How Far Apart to Plant Tomatoes (With Pictures)

How far apart do you plant tomatoes in your garden? Spacing your tomatoes correctly can say a lot when it comes to controlling certain aspects of production. These aspects include tomato population, pests and diseases, inter-competition and light. Tomato varieties can determine how far apart to plant; from row to row and from one tomato … Read more

Monstera Leaves Curling: Causes + Fix Steps

Is your monstera plant leaves curling? Curling leaves is a common problem for these houseplants. Besides watering and fertilizer problems, factors such as unfavorable house conditions and care-related issues may contribute to leaf curl. These factors include low humidity, dry indoors, drafts and pest infestation. Monstera, also called Swiss Cheese Plant, is a houseplant with … Read more

Overwatered Peace Lily Plant: Signs, Saving + Revival Steps

Overwatering is the most common problem indoor peace lilies face. If this problem is not identified and corrective measures are applied on time, definitely peace lilies will die. Observing or just sticking to a strict watering routine can be misleading. If you overwater them, peace lilies may respond as though you put them through heat. … Read more

What Chews Holes in Tomatoes? How to Identify, Stop or Prevent

Realizing all tomato fruits with small holes when harvesting is fast approaching can be discouraging. Find out which pests are responsible for eating holes in your tomatoes, including leaves and stems. In most cases, plant diseases are not considered direct causes of the problem. 1. Hornworms – Tomato Leaves with Holes One of the major … Read more

How to Treat Leaf Miners on Citrus Trees, Prevent + Signs

Citrus leafminer is a destructive pest during its larvae stage. It majorly causes foliage damage. As a result, stunting growth, exposing citrus to secondary plant diseases and low-quality fruit production can occur. Get information on how to identify them (pictures), and possible means by which you can treat, control and manage citrus leafminers. The pest … Read more

Why are My Tomato Leaves Turning Yellow?

There are many reasons why your healthy tomato plant leaves may turn yellow. This plant problem can be caused by a plant fungus, nutrient deficiency, transplant shock, or improper care for your tomatoes. Learn more about what it means, how to identify the problem together with pictures. Some causes have cures while those without might … Read more

Garden Fungal Plant Diseases: Identify, Treat & Prevent

How do you know if your garden plant has a fungus? Where do fungal infections come from? Plant fungal disease is one of the common problems gardeners and crop growers face. Explore common garden plants affected plus learn how to identify common plant fungal infections, treat, control, and prevent them. What Fungi Cause Plant Diseases? … Read more